the client:
NikoNawe believes that education is a right. They support children in getting an education so that they can become responsible members of their community. They do this by paying school fees, building schools, and helping feed school children and their families.
the ask:
NikoNawe wanted a website to engage with viewers and encourage volunteer signups and donations by connecting viewers with their mission.
our solution:
A website that tells a visual story about NikoNawe’s mission and draws the viewer in with gorgeous photos of the children who receive support. This story telling approach encourages viewers to take action by donating, sponsoring a child or signing up to volunteer. Which is crucial to the running of the charity and GrassRootsWeb is proud to have created this platform for their work.
See the live site, visit nikonawe.com
Modern and dynamic parallax interactions throughout the homepage

Informative volunteer signup page encouraging viewers to get involved

Multiple donation options available making it easy for viewers to choose how they'd like to support